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Divorce Mediation vs. Court
How does divorce mediation compare with court?

Divorce mediation vs court has been an ongoing discussion. The divorce mediators ensure that all family mediation in divorce proceedings are aligned with the S.25 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 factors. Judges will apply these factors to divorcing couples. Our independent divorce mediators do the same thing. Our divorce mediation services will help you look, amongst other things, at:

  1. Available financial resources
  2. Earning ability
  3. Income
Emergency & Long term plans 

Divorce mediation often involves addressing both short-term and long-term plans. Our service helps clients decide the best time to implement proposed settlements. Once both parties have disclosed their assets, our mediators will assess what is affordable, considering that basic family needs might exceed available income or capital. We use an income and expense sheet tailored for divorcing parents or couples to explore affordability.

Reviewable Agreements

Mediation also considers future changes to family income, such as new jobs, benefits, or new partners. Our mediators might suggest a review date for the agreement to ensure it remains flexible if significant financial changes are expected. This is important if either party anticipates major changes to their financial situation soon.

Trust &Transparency

Trust is crucial during divorce mediation. We emphasize the importance of full and honest disclosure of all assets and income. Failure to be transparent can result in punitive measures and void the settlement. Our mediators ensure that each party can verify the other’s financial information, which helps the agreement withstand future scrutiny and be accepted by the court and family members.


With our divorce mediation service, you can plan a realistic, affordable, and achievable financial settlement. Mediation is usually much cheaper and faster than a court battle, which can drag on for years.

Legal Binding & Longevity

Many people want to ensure that their mediation agreement is legally binding and finalizes financial ties. Mediation agreements can be easily and affordably turned into court orders by consent, providing peace of mind with a clean break from financial ties. Even if kept as a private agreement, it remains a strong legal document that a judge rarely overturns.

Make a referral today to get started with divorce mediation.

Watch an informative video on the benefits of divorce mediation below: Divorce mediation vs court